"SMALL CHNAGE" Scarves production


Textiles leave one of the largest water footprints on the planet and dyeing poses an especially big problem. Dye houses in India and China are notorious for not only exhausting local water supplies, but for dumping untreated wastewater into local streams and rivers.

• The pesticides that farmers use to protect textiles as they grow can harm wildlife, contaminate other products and get into the food we eat.

• The chemicals that are used to bleach and colour textiles can damage the environment and peoples health.

• Old clothes that we throw away take up precious space in landfill sites, which is filling up rapidly.

• Most of the textile machineries cause noise, sound and air pollution.

• Over-usage of natural resources like plants, water, etc depletes or disturbs ecological balance.

• The working conditions in the textile and clothing industry are of sub- standard.

• Exploitation of animals often goes hand in hand with intensive farming practices that damage the environment as a whole.