- an independent charity, dedicated to demonstrating the medicinal, economic, cultural and environmental importance of plants to the survival and well-being of humankind
-founded in 1673
-purpose of training apprentices in identifying plants
-warmer microclimate
-survival of many non-native plants
-has always sought to achieve good communications with others working in the same field: by the 1700′s it had initiated an international botanic garden seed exchange system, which continues to this day
-pond rock garden
-Wardian cases (miniature greenhouses)
-In 1876 the Garden enlarged its educational aspirations by deciding to run a lecture course for young women who were training as botany teachers
-In 1983 The Garden became a registered charity and open to the general public for the first time
-The Chelsea Physic Garden has developed a major role in public education focusing on the renewed interest in natural medicine
Range of shop products:
- Plant Families card game - 36 beautifully illustrated cards arranged in 9 plant families.
- Homegrown plants and seeds
- Handmade soaps and chocolate
- Honey made from the nectar of Chelsea Physic Garden bees– when in season (August/September). Limited to one jar per person due to high demand.
- Botanical books, postcards and leaflets
- Children’s games and toys
- Physic Garden gifts
- The Apothecaries’ Garden: A History of the Chelsea Physic Garden by Sue Minter
- Numerous cards, featuring many illustrations by members of Chelsea Physic Garden’s Florilegium Society.
-long history