Chewdo-Udo Whale-Fish is a fairytale creature from the tale of The Little Humpbacked Horse written by Pyotr Ershov.
In the tale he is described as:
"When they reached the glade, they flew Straight towards the ocean blue; There, across it, lay the whale- Monster head and monster tail; He was all one mass of holes, From his ribs grew stakes and poles; On his tail-a forest black; And a village on his back; Peasants on his lip drove ploughs, Children danced between his brows; Oak-trees on his huge jaws grew, Maidens there sought mushrooms, too."
He represents a magical island, but from fashion accessories point of view for me he represents a a creature with an accessory on his back. Having been looking at Orthodox churches, I thought that they would be "worn" by Chewdo-Udo, thus I can use him as my inspiration to create a fashion accessory.
Here are some visualizations of him: