-these images are what I relate my own work to, they all resemble some aspects of my idea (either visually or conceptually)
alien marks look like the circles I often use in my design
cello reminds me of the female waist and the patterns i have designed to be located on the back:
the bike chain has particularly reminded me of one of the trial designs for the hands I did:
the connection between various body parts and the ability to change human abilities reminds me of the ability god has
my final designs for the body have reminded me of the film 5th element and this particular outfit of Milla Jovovich where there is a similar idea of having a linear ornament on the body, yet leaving a lot of bear skin
because I have used so many circles in my designs and often linked them by curved lines, personally it was a straight reference to the planet orbits for me, in fact my whole concept has a connection with something much greater than just human race
some of the elements in my design have reminded me of this particular type of sea weed, this is interesting because I have not intended this similarity, however I love the sea nature
Givenchy AW'14 also used connection with a key human part - temple and connected two of them with a wire
My idea of connecting two ears with thread like lines reminds me of headphones and this is not consequential, because music means a lot to me and as a sense it is probably above others
The fact that my piece centralized around the navel is because all of our lives start from there